Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Recently I watched a segment on Ann Curry, the news anchor of NBC News Today. She was speaking about the importance of passion in our lives. So often when we think about passion it has a sexual connotation. This was not the passion of which she spoke. She talked about her personal passion, the passion that gives meaning and purpose to her life. That passion happened to be photography.
What a treat to hear her speak so intimately about something that has been so near and dear to her heart since she was in high school. As she shared her passion she held her camera close like a dear friend, speaking candidly about both the joy and pain photography brings to her life. She spoke of her last trip to Haiti; the unspeakable suffering and agony she witnessed. How does one reconcile the ethical issues of photographing such horror versus the awareness that single photograph might bring? These are issues photographers of the documentary nature face every day. Do I help this person or do I take their picture?
She showed other photos as well; her friend and colleague Al Roker in an intimate moment with his adoring young son. Those sweet moments that would be lost to all eyes were it not for her lens turned on that moment and freezing it in time for Al, his son and all those who see it and say " Wow, what a beautiful moment of being lost in love." It will never be that moment again.

1 comment:

  1. love this collage!
    and your musings about the photographer and the issues raised.
    thanks, Robin!
